Medical Device Patents - Protect your Creation
To be eligible for a medical device patent, an application must first be submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO.). The invention must be original with an intended use or a device that improves an existing one. The official patent prevents others from manufacturing or selling your medical device without your permission. There are several steps involved when applying for a medical device patent. The first step is to figure out whether you actually need a patent. To be eligible for a patent, the medical device must be a completely original idea with a specific purpose in order to be considered a tangible item. Records of previous patents can be reviewed at libraries with a Patent and Trademark Resource Center designation. There are filing, search and examination fees required. The process can be a daunting and stressful task. The risk of missing something important can be avoided with help from Virtual IP Law, who will conduct a thorough search for any previously patented inventions similar to yours that might have shown up in trade publications or the media.
The Patent Application Process
There are various requirements and specific details to be aware of during the patent application process, so it is easy to miss something. For instance, deciding the type of patent required can be confusing. An original medical device would most likely require a utility patent, but that could depend on how it is used. The application can be confusing with different rules for acceptable forms and the fine print includes requirements for accepted fonts. It just makes sense to have professional representation help you get through the process successfully and with less stress. Virtual IP Law will be there every step of the way to answer questions and offer guidance. Their support will get you through the medical device patent process successfully.
Submitting Your Medical Patent Application
Virtual IP Law will help you write the description and explanation of your novel medical device, so it focuses on originality and intended use. This is a very important part of the process, because the decision to award a patent relies heavily on the information provided in this section of the patent application. Drawings of the original medical device can also be included. Some parts of the application may need to be filed separately, so professional guidance is important.
After submitting the application, an examiner will evaluate it before making a decision. If your application is approved, you will then get a Notice of Allowance, which is basically a bill for the publication and issue fees. It is also final verification that you will finally be awarded a patent. Congratulations!
Receiving Your Medical Device Patent
After you receive your medical device patent, expect to pay periodic maintenance fees so it does not expire. Virtual IP Law is on your side throughout the application process and will help afterward with maintaining your medical device patent and ideas to keep the cost of maintaining your patent manageable.
Getting a patent for your original medical device that will help those who need it is an accomplishment that you can be proud of. It is a long and arduous process, but the benefits can last for the rest of your life and beyond. Consider getting a medical device patent with the help of Virtual IP Law and you will have peace of mind knowing you have a trusted legal team supporting you every step of the way.